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A series of 5 Group Coaching Programs to enhance your life in delightful and inspiring ways!

Each of us has an inner "blueprint" that dictates the current state of our life. Similar to the blueprint an architect might use to build a house, yet it subconsciously reflects our inner world of beliefs and projects them unto what becomes the story of our life. 


Let's call that blueprint our Mindset.


If we're not content with the state of our life, we need to examine what we're actually thinking, and if it's not conducive to creating what we envision for ourselves, the good news is: we can create NEW patterns that are in alignment with our dreams, deep desires and, yes, even our life purpose.


But, HOW do we do that? 


In this inspiring and transformational online Group Coaching series, we will focus on FIVE KEY AREAS of our life, examining exactly HOW to do just that so that our life becomes richer, more fulfilling and joyful!


We'll share powerful tools you can put to use right away to truly transform the story of your life. For good! 


Remember: You're the writer, the director and the STAR of your own movie; your own story!


Most of us haven't been taught how to intentionally co-create a better story. Once you begin to do that, your life will never be the same!


In this life-changing, transformational series you'll explore how to create:


  • a life that's aligned with WHO you came here to be.

  • a life that's filled with endless possibilities, learning to maneuver through road blocks with more ease.

  • a life of abundance, meaningful connections, and deep meaning.


The life you are MEANT to be living, using your natural talents and abilities to make a difference that matters!


Wouldn't that be wonderful?



"These two guys are the real deal! Every single time I'm with them I learn something that transforms my life. And, that's saying a lot! "



Debra Poneman-

Founder Yes to Success seminars

Take a look at the topics below. 

#1 - Master Your Mindset - ON PURPOSE

This series lays down tools and strategies to create a meaningful shift in your "blueprint" or mindset on Purpose - as in consciously and intentionally - and also on Purpose, meaning in alignment with your higher calling and why you are here.


This series plants the seeds of positive change, with specific steps and strategies to examine your beliefs and ways of thinking, learn to neutralize those that are unproductive, and replace them with others that are in alignment with your higher calling.


Result: Pure JOY!


Please join the wait list so we can keep you in the loop about the next dates! 

Happy Woman

#2 - Master Your Mindset of POSSIBILITIES


What's POSSIBLE for you beyond the obvious? What if what you're longing for - and the way to get it- is just outside the box? What if it took being audacious to attain it?


During these five weeks together, you will identify an important intention/goal you'd like to achieve by the end of our time together. We will utilize powerful ways of thinking and being to manifest - or get closer to bringing into fruition - that desired intention. 


There's something magical and powerful that happens when a group of like-minded individuals come together with a common goal. Experience how this sort of "vortex" of creative energy can accelerate creating your desired results. 


Please join the wait list so we can keep you in the loop about the next dates! 




There's much to be said about the relationship we have with ourselves, before we can truly engage with others in a meaningful way. Learning to love and accept who we are, faults and all, is at the foundation of creating loving connection with others.


During our 5 weeks together we'll explore the various ways we can form fulfilling loving relationships in the world, starting with:


  • ourselves

  • deep friendships that are in alignment with our highest values

  • intimate and honoring loving partnerships

  • our immediate community

  • and our relationship with the world at large.


We'll discover ways in which our relationships can make the world a better place for everyone.


Tuesdays, July 2 - 30, 2024. 



This is a big topic for most people. In this series we will explore the concepts of "lack" vs. "plenty", two powerful states of being that tend to work under the radar, and the subconscious ways in which we can get in our own way of having "more," stopping the flow of abundance.


We'll examine our subconscious beliefs and our Blueprint about Money, our sense of deservedness, the container we've created for ourselves to "hold" our abundance, how to expand it, and ways to eliminate conscious and unconscious blocks so that we can freely experience PLENTY, and financial abundance in our lives.


Each group coaching session is 90 minutes, yet the benefits will last a lifetime.


DATES: Saturdays, Feb 22 - March 22, 2025. All details right HERE. 

Image by micheile henderson

#5 - Master Your Mindset to CREATE GREATER IMPACT

With so much strife in the world, what different can "Little Ol' You" make?  Is it possible for us to create positive change in a way that matters and has impact? How can we step into a larger arena to have more influence in the world, while being true to ourselves and who we came here to be?


These are BIG questions and we will expand our mindset to think globally, and build the courage to step into taking a stand for a greater cause we can support. When we move away from "me" to "us," what possibilities open up for ourselves and the impact we can have in the world?


Does what we do, and the way we show up in the world, ultimately matter? During these 5 weeks together, we will strike like lighting in all directions to make sure that our being here makes a difference!


Watch out world! Here we come!


DATES: Please join the wait list to be in the know of this life-changing series! 



beautiful image of the Earth, surrounded by three happy, smiling people .jpg

How to JOIN us?

Easy. Each series is 5 weeks. We meet once per week for 90-minutes LIVE on Zoom.

If you can't be there, the sessions are recorded. 


which section(s) of the series you'd like to attend.

(As many as you'd like!)


NOTE: There's a substantial

 discount when you register for the entire series.


by filling the form and making your payment.


Because your life is about to change in BIG ways for the better.


It's super easy!


Each of the FIVE, 5-week transformational Group Coaching sessions is $199 USD.

You can register for one 5-week session, or the entire series.



Join us the the ENTIRE series of FIVE Sessions

and only pay for FOUR. Save $199! 



FIVE 5-week sessions in 2024

to fully embrace these positive changes 

 $995​ USD

Only $796 USD!





If you need to cancel your participation in this program, your fee is fully refundable UP TO 72 HOURS (3 days) from the start of the program. If you cancel within the 72 hour window before the start time, your fee will NOT be refunded. However you can apply your tuition towards one-on-one coaching or other trainings within 6 months. This applies to the Discounted rate for the Entire Series. If you cancel one of the 5 series, you can still attend the remaining four at that same price.  We require a minimum of 6 participants per series. In the unlikely event that the minimum is not attained, we reserve the right to reschedule or cancel that program.  ​Thank you for your understanding.

We look forward to knowing you and helping you create meaningful positive shifts together!
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